PROMETHEAN ACTIVINSPIRE PROFESSIONAL END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ("EULA") V-2.11 This is the End User License Agreement for Promethean's ActivInspire Professional Edition Software ("the Software"). PLEASE NOTE THAT FOR USE IN CERTAIN COUNTRIES THERE MAY BE COUNTRY SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS OR COUNTRY SPECIFIC ALLOWANCES OR WAIVERS WHICH APPLY TO THIS EULA FROM TIME TO TIME. PLEASE CHECK THE WEBSITE AT TO SEE IF THERE ARE ANY RESTRICTIONS WHICH MAY APPLY TO THE COUNTRY IN WHICH YOU INTEND TO USE THE SOFTWARE. This EULA is entered into between the End-User ("You" or "Licensee") and Promethean Limited ("Promethean"). By agreeing to the terms of this EULA in the manner set forth below, You have agreed to install and use the Software on the terms and conditions set forth herein. PLEASE READ THIS EULA CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE. BY INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS EULA. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS EULA, DO NOT INSTALL THE SOFTWARE. 1. Definitions. 1.1 "End-User "(or alternatively referred to as "You") means the Licensee and, where applicable, any employees (including, without limitation, administrators, teachers, and instructors), consultants, and students who are authorized by the Licensee to Use the Software at the Licensee's Site. 1.2 "Interactive Display Device" for purposes of this EULA means interactive white boards, interactive projectors, interactive panels or other such interactive technology intended for large group instruction. 1.3 "Licensee" means the entity (or individual if individually acquired) that purchased the Software on its own behalf and, where applicable, on behalf of the End Users. 1.4 "Licensee's Site" means the location(s) set forth in the order documentation under the jurisdiction or control of the Licensee where the Software is intended to be used in conjunction with an Interactive Display Device. 1.5 "Maintenance Agreement" means a valid current paid up subsisting agreement for the provision of maintenance and support for the Software by Promethean. 1.6 "Promethean Certified Equipment" means those 3rd party Interactive Display Devices which have been approved by Promethean for use with the Software. A list of Promethean Certified Equipment can be found on the ActivInspire Professional specification found on 1.7 "Promethean Equipment" means Promethean's ActivBoard, ActivPanel, ActivTable, 25/32 set kits of ActivExpression, ActiVote devices and ActivEngage software and any other Promethean Equipment as determined by Promethean from time to time. 1.8 "Promethean Partner" means an entity that is authorized to sell or distribute the Software on Promethean's behalf. 1.9 "Related Purchase" any purchase of Promethean Equipment or Promethean Certified Equipment which comes with a Software license at no additional cost to the purchaser. 1.10 "Territory" means the country in which your residence (in the case of an individual) or your principal place of business (in all other cases), as applicable, is located. 1.11 "Update" means a Software release that increments the revision number of the Software and corrects bugs, defects and or deficiencies or provides minor modification in the existing operation of the Software in accordance with the published specifications but does not substantially change the basic character or structure of the Software. Updates will be provided to those Licensees with a then current Maintenance Agreement. Promethean may, in its sole discretion, provide Updates to Licensees who do not have a then current Maintenance Agreement. 1.12 "Upgrade" means a Software release that increments the Major or Minor version number and which contains enhancements improving functionality or capabilities of the Software thus changing the basic character or structure of the Software. Upgrades will only be provided to those Licensees with a then current Maintenance Agreement. Promethean may, in its sole discretion provide Upgrades to Licensees who do not have a current Maintenance Agreement 1.13 "Use" or "Used" means to directly or indirectly install, load, execute access, employ, utilize, store, or display the Software. 2. General. 2.1 This EULA is a legal agreement between the End-User (whether an individual or the Licensee) and Promethean for the Use of the Software. In the event a Licensee's systems or technical administrator or other representative is accepting these terms on behalf of all intended End-Users, it is the responsibility of that Licensee to ensure that the terms of this EULA are understood and complied with by each End-User. The Software is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The Software will be delivered in one of the following manners: contained or installed on Promethean Equipment or Promethean Certified Equipment, downloaded from Promethean's web-site, or downloaded from a Promethean supplied CD or DVD or other form of physical media. In each case, the Software is licensed, not sold and is subject to the terms and restrictions of this EULA. In the event the Software is delivered by Promethean to an End User on a CD, DVD, or other form of physical media, the Licensee (or End User where applicable) owns the media on which the Software is recorded, but Promethean and/or Promethean's licensor(s) retain ownership of the Software itself. Under no circumstances will title to or ownership of the Software and any intellectual property rights in and to the Software transfer to the Licensee or any End User. 2.2 For each Software license purchased separately or obtained as part of a Related Purchase, this EULA grants to You a non-transferable, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, right and license to use the Software, together with any related materials or documents provided by or on behalf of Promethean to You as part of the Software, during the Term in the Territory only subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations herein. For purposes of clarity, "Software" includes all such related materials and documents. The terms of this EULA will also govern any Software Updates and Upgrades provided by Promethean (including those provided through a Maintenance Agreement) that replace and/or supplement the original Software, unless such Upgrade is accompanied by a separate EULA in which case the terms of that EULA will prevail 3. Intellectual Property Rights. Title to, ownership of the Software, and any patent, copyright, underlying trade secret and other intellectual property rights in and to the Software or any of its parts shall not transfer to You but shall remain with Promethean or its third party licensors. The Software is confidential and proprietary to Promethean and/or its third party licensors and You shall hold the same in confidence. You will not disclose, provide or otherwise make available the Software or any part thereof (including database structures and message formats) or copies thereof to any third party without the prior written consent of Promethean. You will not remove, obscure, or alter any notice of patent, copyright, trademark or other proprietary notice on the Software. You will keep the Software secure, and prevent unauthorized access thereto and copying or use thereof. You will notify Promethean immediately if You become aware of any unauthorized possession or use of the Software by any person or entity without a license. 4. Permitted Use and Restrictions. Whether You have purchased the Software (or received it as part of a Related Purchase) from a Promethean Partner or where You have purchased the Software (or received it as part of a Related Purchase) directly from Promethean, the Software will be used by You in accordance with the terms of this EULA based on the type and number of Licenses specified in the order documentation agreed between You and Promethean or a Promethean Partner as the case may be. To the extent there is a conflict between the terms of this EULA and the terms in any order documentation, the terms of the EULA will prevail. 4.1 Single User License: The License granted hereunder permits the Software to be installed for use by You in accordance with the terms of this EULA on a single computer at the Licensee's site. The Software will not be used on or transferred to another computer except that the Software may be transferred to an alternate computer if the original computer is not working. Installation of the Software for the purpose of preparatory work only, on one other computer outside the Licensee's site is permitted. You will not sub-license, lend, lease, rent or transfer or otherwise make the Software available to any third party without the prior written consent of Promethean. In the case of an End User, upon cessation of employment with the Licensee, the Software must be removed from the End User's personal computer and any copies of the Software should either be destroyed or returned to the Licensee. You will not sub-license, lend, lease, rent or transfer or otherwise make the Software available to any third party without the prior written consent of Promethean. 4.2 Multi-User License: Subject to the concurrent use restrictions set forth in Section 4.3 below, the Software license granted hereunder permits the Software to be installed on up to five (5) computers all of which may be located at the Licensee's Site or one or more of the five computers may be located outside of the Licensee's Site for the purposes of preparatory work for the benefit of the Licensee only. The Software will not be used on or transferred to another computer except that the Software may be transferred to a replacement computer if one of the original five (5) computers is not working. For example where there is a purchase of ten (10) Multi-User Licenses purchased for a Licensee's Site, subject to the concurrent use restrictions in Section 4.3 below, the Software may be downloaded on up to five (5) computers per License for a total of fifty (50) computers. The fifty (50) computers may all be located at the Licensee's Site or some of the fifty (50) computers may be located off-site for preparatory work for the benefit of the Licensee only. In the case of an End-User, upon cessation of employment with the Licensee, the Software must be removed from the End-User's off-site computer and any copies of the Software should either be destroyed or returned to the Licensee. You will not sub-license, lend, lease, rent or transfer or otherwise make the Software available to any third party without the prior written consent of Promethean. 4.3 No Concurrent Use: While each Multi-Use License granted hereunder allows for the Software to be downloaded onto five (5) computers, the license does not allow the Software to be running concurrently on more than one Interactive Display Device per License at any one time. For example, where there is a purchase of ten (10) licenses, the Software may be downloaded on up to fifty (50) computers but the Software shall not be operated concurrently at any given time on more than ten (10) Interactive Display Devices. 4.4 Related Purchase: A "Related Purchase" as used in this EULA means a purchase of Promethean Equipment or Promethean Certified Equipment which comes together with a Software license at no additional cost. The type of Software License (whether it is a Single User or a Multi-User license) that comes with a Related Purchase of Promethean Equipment or Promethean Certified Equipment is specified in the order documentation agreed between You and Promethean or a Promethean Partner as the case may be. Except as otherwise set forth in this Section 4.4, the Software received as part of a Related Purchase is only permitted to be operated with the Promethean Equipment or the Promethean Certified Equipment with which it was purchased. The Software is not permitted to be operated with any other 3rd party Interactive Display Devices. However, in the case of a Related Purchase of ActivEngage Software, ActivExpression and ActiVote kits, subject to the warranty exclusions set forth in Section 9, the Software may be operated on any Interactive Display Device (whether Promethean branded or Promethean certified or a 3rd party's) so long as the Software is used in conjunction with Promethean's ActivEngage Software, ActivExpression and ActiVote kits. 4.5 Use with Other Equipment: Except for the restrictions set forth in Section 4.4 (Related Purchases), the Software is permitted to be displayed on any 3rd party manufacturer's non-interactive or Interactive Display Devices without connection to Promethean Equipment or Promethean Certified Equipment. However, the Software has been specifically designed for optimum performance with Promethean Equipment and Promethean Certified Equipment and no warranty, guarantee or assurance is made or given by Promethean in relation to the performance of the Software with any other equipment. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE WARRANTY SET OUT IN SECTION 9 SHALL NOT APPLY WHERE THE SOFTWARE IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH EQUIPMENT OR SOFTWARE THAT IS NOT PROMETHEAN EQUIPMENT OR PROMETHEAN CERTIFIED EQUIPMENT. 4.6 No Transfer or Sub-License: Once the Software has been downloaded on up to five (5) computers per License, it cannot be transferred to another computer except to replace one of the previously loaded computers. In the case of an End-User, upon cessation of employment with the Licensee, the Software must be removed from the End-User's computer located outside of the Licensee's Site and any copies of the Software should either be destroyed or returned to the Licensee. 4.7 Back-up Restrictions: You will not copy nor permit any third party to copy the Software, except to make a reasonable number of copies solely for testing, backup or archival purposes provided all copyright and proprietary notices contained on the original are included on the permitted copies. 4.8 Decompilation: You will not modify, decompile, disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer the Software or create derivative works based on the Software. If the Territory is the United Kingdom, You may only exercise rights under s50 of the United Kingdom Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 if you have first asked Promethean to disclose the required information and Promethean has declined to do so. 4.9 Proper Use of Software: You acknowledge that the continued integrity of the Software and Promethean's performance of its obligations described in this License relies upon the proper Use and maintenance of the Software by the End User. Proper Use and maintenance means that the End User will: (i) install all Updates and Upgrades made available to the End User by Promethean; (ii) Use the Software in accordance with the documentation supplied by Promethean and the terms and conditions of this EULA; and (iii) follow Promethean's instructions for installing new Updates and for correcting and circumventing bugs and fixes to the Software. 4.10 Applicable Laws: You agree to comply with all applicable laws regarding the use of the Software and any component thereof. All title and intellectual property rights in and to content which may be incorporated through use of the Software is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property 5. Maintenance of Records. You will maintain accurate and up-to-date records of the number and location of all copies of the Software including but not limited to Software installed on computers located outside of the Licensee's Site as outlined in Section 4. 6. NFR (Not for Release) and Evaluation Copies. Notwithstanding other sections of this License, Software labeled or otherwise provided to You on a promotional basis may only be used for demonstration, testing and evaluation purposes and may not be resold or transferred. 7. Consent to Use of Data. You agree that Promethean and its affiliates may collect and use technical and related information, including but not limited to technical information about your computer, system and application software, and peripherals, that is gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of Software updates and Upgrades, product support and other services to You (if any) related to the Software, and to verify compliance with the terms of this EULA. Promethean may use this information, as long as it is in a form that does not personally identify You or your End-users, to improve our products or to provide services or technologies to You. 8. Export and U.S. Government Restricted Rights. You agree not to export the Software, or re-export or resell the Software from the Territory, directly or indirectly, or otherwise take any actions which would result in the deemed export of the Software, without first complying with all applicable export laws and regulations. You are responsible for complying with any local laws in your jurisdiction which may impact your right to import, export or use the Software. If you are the U.S. Government or one of its agencies or end users, the Software is a "Commercial Item(s)" as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. Section 2.101, consisting of "Commercial Computer Software" and "Computer Software Documentation" as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. Section 12.212 or 48 C.F.R. Section 227.7202 as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. Section 21.212 or 48 C.F.R. Sections 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the Commercial Computer Software and Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to the U.S. Government, its agencies or end users: (a) only as Commercial Items and (b) only with those rights that are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. 9. Limited Warranty and Disclaimers. 9.1 Limited Warranty: Promethean warrants that the Software when used with Promethean Equipment or Promethean Certified Equipment only will operate in substantial accordance with the Promethean's published specifications for a period of ninety (90) days beginning on the date it is downloaded by You (the "Warranty Period"). After the Warranty Period, any maintenance and support for the Software will be based on Your entitlements under a current Maintenance Agreement. PROMETHEAN'S SOLE OBLIGATION AND LIABILITY AND YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY UNDER THIS EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY SHALL BE, AT PROMETHEAN'S OPTION AND EXPENSE, TO EITHER (i) USE REASONABLE EFFORTS TO REPAIR THE NON-CONFORMITY OR, (ii) TO PROVIDE A CORRECTED VERSION OF THE SOFTWARE TO YOU SO LONG AS YOU REPORT ANY SUCH NON-CONFORMITY TO PROMETHEAN PRIOR TO EXPIRATION OF THE FOREGOING WARRANTY PERIOD. 9.2 WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS: YOU AGREE THAT PROMETHEAN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ALLEGED DEFECT OR NONCONFORMITY IF SUCH DEFECT OR NONCONFORMITY RESULTS FROM: (I) YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE OTHER THAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE TERMS; OR (II) MODIFICATIONS TO THE SOFTWARE MADE BY PARTIES OTHER THAN PROMETHEAN; OR (III) DAMAGE DUE TO IMPROPER USE, ABUSE, OR NEGLECT. PROMETHEAN DOES NOT WARRANT THAT (A) THE OPERATION OF SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE, (B) ALL ERRORS WILL BE REMEDIED, OR (C) THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OR OPERATE WITH ANY HARDWARE, EQUIPMENT OR SOFTWARE OTHER THAN AS SPECIFIED BY PROMETHEAN. ADDITIONALLY, PROMETHEAN DOES NOT WARRANT THE PERFORMANCE OR OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE, OR ANY PORTION THEREOF, WITH THIRD PARTY INTERACTIVE DISPLAY DEVICES, OTHER THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGIES OR THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE PRODUCTS THAT ARE NOT DEFINED BY PROMETHEAN AS PROMETHEAN CERTIFIED EQUIPMENT. 9.3 WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: NEITHER PROMETHEAN NOR ANY OF ITS THIRD PARTY LICENSORS OR SUPPLIERS MAKES ANY OTHER REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY REGARDING THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. CERTAIN JURISDICTIONS OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICH VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. 9.4 Nothing in this EULA prevents or restricts any rights which You may have in relation to any maintenance and support for the Software to which you may be entitled under a separate Maintenance Agreement. 10. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW, NEITHER PROMETHEAN NOR ITS THIRD PARTY LICENSORS OR PROMETHEAN PARTNERS WILL BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR ANY INJURY TO ANY PERSON OR PROPERTY, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, LOSS OF PRIVACY, DAMAGES FOR PROCURMENT OF SUBSITUTE GOODS AND SERVICES, DMAGES FOR LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF DATA, DAMAGES FOR FAILURE TO MEET ANY DUTY INCLUDING THE DUTIES OF GOOD FAITH OR OF REASONABLE CARE, FOR NEGLIGENCE OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS EULA OR THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF SOFTWARE, EVEN IF NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE LIABILITY OF PROMETHEAN AND ITS THIRD PARTY LICENSORS AND PROMETHEAN PARTNERS FOR DIRECT DAMAGES WILL BE LIMITED TO THE FEES ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR THE AFFECTED SOFTWARE; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, IF THE SOFTWARE WAS PROVIDED AT NO CHARGE TO YOU, THE LIABILITY OF PROMETHEAN AND ITS THIRD PARTY LICENSORS AND PROMETHEAN PARTNERS FOR DIRECT DAMAGES SHALL BE LIMITED TO: (i) the sum of £10.00 (ten pounds sterling) if the Software is provided to You in the United Kingdom; or (ii) the sum of $10.00 (ten US Dollars) if the Software is provided to You in the United States or Canada or any United States territory or possession; or (iii) the sum equivalent to $10.00 (ten US Dollars) in the country in which the Software was provided to You, in the case of any other country. 11. Term and Termination. 11.1 This EULA is effective upon acceptance by You in accordance with the terms set forth herein and will terminate along with the license granted hereunder upon the earlier of: (i) such time as You permanently discontinue use of the Software; or (ii) the date of any breach of the terms of this EULA by the Licensee or an End User which is not remedied (if capable of remedy) within thirty (30) days of having received written notice from Promethean specifying such breach (in which case the License granted hereunder will automatically terminate). 11.2 You agree, within seven (7) days of termination, to stop using the Software, destroy all copies of the Software within your possession or control, and upon request, provide an affidavit certifying End User's compliance with the foregoing. 12. Third Party Software and Open Source Software. 12.1 The Software has been created using source code available through various open source projects and specific third party proprietary software. Open source software is available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Agreement, a copy of which can be found at The below parties have contributed to the creation of portions of the Software and in the case of Adobe, such software is made available subject to the current license terms for the relevant software from time to time. Promethean is not liable for your use of any such open source software. To obtain the source code for the library, please write to:- Product Management Promethean Limited Promethean House Lower Philips Road Blackburn, BB1 5TH United Kingdom Promethean Limited has endeavored to identify and credit all contributors to this Software. Portions of this application: (c)Trolltech Inc. (c)xlslib library under LGPL (c)Beman Dawes, Daniel Frey and David Abrahams (software and boost libraries) (c)Gilles Vollant software (c)Vision Objects S.A All rights reserved Portions of ActivInspire Copyright (c) Design Science, Inc., 1990 - 2011. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. This product contains Adobe (R) Shockwave (R) Player and Adobe (R) Flash (R) Player software by Adobe Systems Inc., (C) 1995-2009 Adobe Systems Inc. All rights reserved. Adobe, Shockwave, Player and Adobe, and Flash are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. 12.2 The Software may also include and/or be accompanied by other third party software and content (collectively, "Third Party Materials") that may require a separate end-user license agreement from the third party. Some of the Third Party Materials are made available subject to the terms of their respective licenses, which terms may be different from or additional to those contained in this EULA. To the extent that the terms of such license agreements are in conflict with any of the rights or obligations granted to You under this EULA, the terms of the Third Party Materials license agreement will prevail. Acceptance of this EULA also confirms Your acceptance of such freeware license terms. Promethean does not endorse or promote any products or services provided by third parties providing the Third Party Materials. You acknowledge that it is Your responsibility to read, accept and comply with the terms and conditions of all such Third Party Materials. 13. Assignment. 13.1 You will not transfer or assign this EULA or Your right to use the Software without Promethean's prior written consent, and any attempt to do so without such consent will be void and of no effect. 13.2 Promethean may assign this EULA to any affiliate of Promethean at any time during the term. 13.3 Subject to the foregoing, this EULA will bind and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. 14. Complete Agreement. This EULA constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the use of the Software licensed hereunder and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings regarding such subject matter. No amendment to or modification of this EULA will be binding unless expressly in writing and signed by Promethean. The parties hereto confirm that they have requested that this EULA and all related documents be drafted in English. 15. Survival. Any provision in this EULA, which expressly or by implication is intended to come into or continue in force and effect on or after termination of this EULA, including but not limited to the provisions regarding Warranties and Limitation of Liability, shall remain in full force and effect. 16. Governing Law. 16.1 If the Territory is the United States or Canada or any United States territory or possession, this Agreement, any dispute arising under or which is related to this Agreement (whether in contract, tort or otherwise), and the validity, performance and interpretation of this Agreement will be governed by and construed in all respects under the laws of the State of Georgia, USA, without giving effect to its conflicts of law principles. 16.2 If the Territory is in any other country, this Agreement shall be governed by English law and all disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. 16.3 The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is specifically disclaimed. 17. Severability. If any of the provisions in this EULA are held to be in violation of applicable law, then such provisions are hereby waived or amended to the extent necessary to achieve the same economic effect for this Agreement to be enforceable in such jurisdiction and the rest of the agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 18. Headings. The section headings appearing in this EULA are inserted only as a matter of convenience and in no way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or extent of such section or in any way affect this EULA. 19. Questions. Should you have any questions about the terms of this EULA, or your rights hereunder, please contact the Promethean Partner from whom you purchased the Software or Related Purchase as the case may be. 20. Feedback. Should a Licensee or End User provide Promethean with any suggestions, comments, or feedback (including modifications or suggested modifications to any component of the Software or other Promethean product, Promethean shall treat it as non-confidential and be free to use it for any and all purposes, without any compensation, acknowledgment or other obligation of any kind to the Licensee or End User. 21. Notices. A Licensee or End User may provide Promethean notice hereunder by sending it to the address set out in Section 12, or such other address Promethean shall have most recently notified End User, and shall be marked with "Attention: Legal Department." Notice to the End User, including without limitation, of Upgrades or Updates to the Software or this EULA, may be provided by Promethean either by (a) sending it to the Licensee's e-mail or business address on record or such email or business address as the Licensee may have most recently notified Promethean or; (b) providing notification on one or both of the Promethean websites and (c)Promethean 2017. Promethean and Promethean related brands are trademarks of Promethean Limited.